The West Virginia Society for Respiratory Care Inc, a 501c6 non-profit educational organization, invites your organization to exhibit at our annual 1 1/2 day Fall Health Care Conference at The Resort at Glade Springs, Daniels, West Virginia. 2022 is the continuing education reporting year for respiratory therapists licensed in WV. We expect a larger than average crowd for attendance.
Date of the conference: September 22 and 23, 2022
Location: The Resort at Glade Springs, 255 Resort Drive, Daniels, WV 25832
Set-up booth time: Wed. September 21 after 6:00 pm; or Thurs. September 22 between 6:00 am-7:00 am
Number/size of tables per booth: One 6-8 ft. table per vendor for one registration fee
Number of chairs: 2
Tablecloths: (standard white provided by facility)
Participation fee: $600 per vendor – includes registration for up to 2 staff
Note: Exhibit area is separate from the lecture area for continuing education units.
We could not make this event possible without the generous support of our vendors and special event sponsors. Please show your support by signing up for one or more of the special events listed below. By doing so, you will receive special recognition during the conference. Any organization or individual can be a sponsor with or without being a vendor.
How To Be A Sponsor: complete the Exhibitor/Sponsor Form with check payment, OR use the online vendor/sponsor registration and payment shown below.
Please provide a gif, jpeg, or png file of your company’s logo to be added to printed and electronic recognition during the event, and to be posted on our social media pages.
Registration: $300– company logo displayed and verbal recognition
Breakfast:$500 – company logo displayed and verbal recognition
Refreshment Break:$400 – company logo displayed and verbal recognition
Special Event Sponsor:$1,000 – company logo displayed, verbal and printed recognition throughout conference
Mail-In Check with Registration: Complete the Exhibitor Registration Form and return it with check payment as directed.
Online Registration: Register and pay online using a major credit or debit card with our online registration.
Lodging: Discounted conference rate starting at $109/per night for single or double rooms. Call 1-877-814-7316.
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Cynthia Keely, by e-mail at or a member of the WVSRC Conference Planning Team.
We look forward to your participation!
WVSRC Board of Directors
The WVSRC is an approved provider for continuing education by the WV Board of Respiratory Care (WVBORC), and by the WV Board of Examiners of Registered Professional Nurses #1997-0171RN. Application is being made to the AARC for approval of 10 CRCEs.